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English Literature and History Lot 110


BROWNING, ROBERTA FINE COLLECTION OF BROWNING FIRST EDITIONSComprising: THE RING AND THE BOOK Four volumes, 1868-1869; RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP COUNTRY, 1873; PACCHIAROTTO, 1876; BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE, 1871; DRAMATIS PERSONAE, 1864; FIFENE AT THE FAIR, 2 copies, both 1872; THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS, 1877; LA SAISIAZ, 1878; DRAMATIC IDYLS, 1879; JOCOSERIA, 1883; PARLEYINGS WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE, 1887; FERISHTAH'S FANCIES, 1884; ARISTOPHANES' APOLOGY, 1875. Together 14 works in 17 volumes, all in varying bindings of original publisher's cloth, condition varies but the majority in good to very good condition (17)

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